Internet Geographer




Muldoon, J., Graham, M., and Cant, C. 2024. Feeding the Machine: The Hidden Human Labour Powering AI. London: Cannongate / New York: Bloomsbury. (also translated versions in Mandarin with CITIC Press Corporation (China) and Locus Publishing Taiwan, Spanish with RBA Libros, German with HarperCollins, Russian with Fortis Press, Italian with Mimesis Edizioni, and Korean with New Wave Media).

Anwar, M. A., and Graham, M. 2022. The Digital Continent: Placing Africa in Planetary Networks of Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (shortlisted for the Business Council for Africa Business Book of the Year Award 2024).

Graham, M., and Dittus, M. 2022. Geographies of Digital Exclusion: Data and Inequality. London: Pluto.

Graham, M. and Ferrari, F. (eds) 2022. Digital Work in the Planetary Market. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

Friederici, N., Wahome, M., and Graham, M. 2020. Digital Entrepreneurship in Africa How a Continent Is Escaping Silicon Valley's Long Shadow. Cambridge MA: MIT Press

Woodcock, J. and Graham, M. 2019. The Gig Economy: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity. (also translated into Portuguese (2022) with Editora Senac Sao Paolo, Korean (2022) with Chonnam National University Press, ISBN 9788968498282, and Chinese (2024) with Shanghai People's Publishing House).

Graham, M, Kitchin, R., Mattern, S., and Shaw, J. (eds). 2019. How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables. London: Meatspace Press.

Graham, M and Dutton, W. H. (eds). 2019. Society and the Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing our Lives (second edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Graham, M. (ed). 2019. Digital Economies at Global Margins. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

Graham, M and Dutton, W. H. (eds). 2014. Society and the Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing our Lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hammett, D., Twyman, K. C., and Graham, M. 2014. Research and Fieldwork in Development. London: Routledge.


Graham, M and Shaw, J. (eds). 2017. Towards a Fairer Gig Economy. London: Meatspace Press. (also translated into Italian)

Shaw, J and Graham, M. (eds). 2017. Our Digital Rights to the City. London: Meatspace Press.

Shaw, J and Graham, M. (eds). 2017. Il nostro diritto digitale alla città. Rome: Openpolis.

Graham, M., S. Hale and M. Stephens. 2011. Geographies of the World's KnowledgeConvoco! Edition.

Graham, M., S. Hale and M. Stephens. 2011. Eine Geographie Des Wissens Der WeltConvoco! Edition.

Selected publications

Graham, M. 2025. There are no rights ‘in’ cyberspace. In Wagner, B., Kettemann, M. C., Vieth, K., and Montgomery, S (eds). Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology (2nd edition). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 26-34.

Heeks, R., Wall, P. J., and Graham, M. 2024. Pragmatist-critical realism as a development studies research paradigm. Development Studies Research, 12(1).

Parthasarathy, B., Srinivasan, J., Bilahari, M., Kalita, R., Neerukonda, M., Balaraj, M., Singh, A., and Graham, M. The Developmental Possibilities of Gig Work on Digital Platforms: The Limits to the Hope and Hype in India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics.

López, T., Ustek-Spilda, F., Feuerstein, P., Ferrari, F., and Graham, M. 2024. The Fairwork Project: Promoting Good Labor Practices in the Digital Platform Economy through Action Research. In Schäfer, M. T., Van Es, K., and Lauriault, T. (eds.) Collaborative Research in the Datafied Society: Methods & Practices for Investigation & Intervention. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 149-160.

Katta, S., Ferrari, F., van Doorn, N., & Graham, M. 2024. Migration, migrant work(ers) and the gig economy. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.

Ferrari, F., Bertolini, A, Borkert, M., and Graham, M. 2024. The German platform economy: Strict regulations but unfair standards?, Digital Geography and Society.

Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Wu, B., and Graham, M. 2024. A typology of artificial intelligence data work. Big Data & Society, 11(1).

López, T., Feuerstein, P., de Vera, J., Varaschin, G,. Karlidağ, Z., and Graham, M. 2024. Cloudwork als Chance für den Globalen Süden? Einkommens- und professionelle Entwicklungschancen von Online-Plattformarbeiter*innen im Übersetzungs- und Transkriptionssektor. (Cloudwork as an opportunity for the Global South? Income and professional development opportunties of online platform workers in the translation and transcription sector). Standort: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie.

Rebechi, C. N., Oliveira, M. A., López, T., Valente, J., Grohman, R., Salvagni, J., Figaro, R., Carelli, R., da Silva, V., Marques, A. F., Baptistella, C. V., Gameleira, J., Farias, H., Graham, M., and Howson, K. 2024. Avaliando Relações de Trabalho na Economia de Plataformas: O Projecto Fairwork No Brasil E Na América Latina. In Soberania Popular Na Era Digital. Ed. Schnieder, A. São Paulo: Hucitec Editora. 93-108.

Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Graham, M., and Ustek-Spilda, F. 2023. The poverty of ethical AI: impact sourcing and AI supply chains. AI & Society.

Alyanak, O., Cant, C., López Ayala, T., Badger, A., & Graham, M. 2023. Platform work, exploitation, and migrant worker resistance: Evidence from Berlin and London. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 1-22. doi:10.1017/elr.2023.34 (shortlisted for the 2023 Nevile-Plowman Best Article Prize)

Van Belle, J.-P., Howson, K., Graham, M., Heeks, R., Bezuidenhout, L., Tsibolane, P., du Toit, D., Fredman, S., and Mungai, P. 2023. Fair work in South Africa's gig economy: A journey of engaged scholarship, Digital Geography and Society.

Poorthuis, A., Zook, M., Shelton, T., Graham, M, and Stephens, M. 2023. Using Digital Social Data in Geographic Research. In Key Methods in Geography 4th edition. eds. Clifford, N., Cope, M., and Gillespie, T. London: Sage. 278-300.

Bertolini, A., Graham, M., Neerukonda, M., Ojanperä, S., Parthasarathy, B., Srinivasan, J., Taduri, P., and Ustek-Spilda, F. 2023. Platformizing Informality, One Gig at a Time. In: Surie, A., Huws, U. (eds) Platformization and Informality. Dynamics of Virtual Work. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 13-45

理查德·希克斯、马克·格雷厄姆、保罗·蒙盖、让保罗·范·贝拉、杰米·伍德科克,姚建华、刘君怡编译:《公平工作框架的开发与应用:基于体面劳动标准的零工工作系统评估》,《国外社会科学前沿》2023年第5期,第69—82页。(Richard Heeks, Mark Graham, Paul Mungai, Jean-Paul Van Belle and Jamie Woodcock, Systematic Evaluation of Gig Work against Decent Work Standards: The Development and Application of the Fairwork Framework, translated by Jianhua Yao and Junyi Lun, Journal of International Social Sciences, vol. 516, no. 5, pp. 69-82.)

Howson, K., Johnston, H., Cole, M., Ferrari, F., Ustek-Spilda, F., & Graham, M. 2023. Unpaid labour and territorial extraction in digital value networks. Global Networks, 23(4), 732– 754.

Braesemann F, Stephany F, Teutloff O, Kässi O, Graham M, Lehdonvirta V. 2022. The global polarisation of remote work. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0274630.

Cole, M., Cant, C., Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M. 2022. Politics by Automatic Means? A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Ethics at Work. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 5. DOI=10.3389/frai.2022.869114

van Doorn, N., Ferrari, F., and Graham, M. 2022. Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention. Work, Employment and Society. DOI: 10.1177/09500170221096581

Ustek-Spilda, F., Howson, K., Johnston, H., Bertolini, A., Feuerstein, P., Bezuidenhout, L., Alyanak, O., and Graham., M. 2022. Is anonymity dead?: Doing critical research on digital labour platforms through platform interfaces. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation. Vol. 16(1):72-87. DOI: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.16.1.0072

Howson, K., Ferrari, F., Ustek-Spilda, F., Salem, N., Johnston, H., Katta, S., Heeks, R., and Graham, M. (2021). Driving the digital value network: Economic geographies of global platform capitalism. Global Networks. 22:4, 631-648,

Howson, K., Feuerstein, P., Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Johnston, H., and Graham, M. (2021). Online Labor Platforms: Power Sans Accountability?. Global Dialogue, 11(3). 26-28.

Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Graham, M., Cherupara Vadekkethil, A., Bhatia, G., & Bertolini, A. (2021). International Regulation of Platform Labor: A Proposal for Action. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 1(1), w1.1.4.

Lehdonvirta, V., Hjorth, I., Barnard, H., and Graham, M. (2021). Global earnings disparities in remote platform work: liabilities of origin? In Haidar, J., and Keune, M. (2021) Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 111-133.

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, V., Wood, A. J., Barnard, H., Hjorth, I., and Simon, D. P. (2021). The uneven potential of online platform work for human development at the global margins. In Drahokoupil, J., and Vandael, K. (2021). A Modern Guide To Labour and the Platform Economy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 194–208.

Englert, S., Graham. M., Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Badger, A., Heeks, R., and Van Belle, J. P. (2021). Workers, Platforms and the State: The Struggle over Digital Labour Platform Regulation. In Drahokoupil, J., and Vandael, K. (2021). A Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 162-176.

Tsibolane B., Albornoz M.B., Arriagada A., Putri T.E., Van Belle J.P., Chavez H., Heeks R., Howson K., Bonhomme M., Leyton J., Ibáñez F., Bezuidenhout L., Graham M. (2021). Fairwork in the platform economy: A Global South perspective. In Albrieu, R. (Ed.). (2021). Cracking the future of work. Automation and labor platforms in the Global South, FOWIGS, Chile, pp.180-225. ISBN: 978-987-1479-51-1.

Heeks, R., Graham, M., Mungai, P., Van Belle, J-P,. and Woodcock, J. (2021) Systematic evaluation of gig work against decent work standards: The development and application of the Fairwork framework, The Information Society, DOI: 10.1080/01972243.2021.1942356

Bertolini A., Howson K., Katta S., Ustek-Spilda F., Graham M. (2021) Gig Economy and Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.

Howson, K., Ustek Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Heeks, R., Ferrari, F., Katta, S., Cole, M., Aguera Reneses, P., Salem, N., Sutcliffe, D., Steward, S., and Graham, M. 2021. Stripping back the mask: Working conditions on digital labour platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Labour Review . (also translated into French:

Bertolini, A., Borkert, M., Ferrari, F., and Graham, M. 2021. Towards decent work in the digital age: introducing the fairwork project in GermanyZeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft .

Ferrari, F. and Graham, M. 2021. Fissures in algorithmic power: platforms, code, and contestation. Cultural Studies. (also translated into Portuguese: Ferrari, F. and Graham, M. 2021. Fissuras no Poder Algorítmico: plataformas, códigos e contestação. Fronteiras. 23(2). 207-219.

Heeks, R., Gomez-Morantes, J. E., Graham, M., Howson, K., Mungai, P., Nicholson, B., Van Belle, J-P. 2021. Digital platforms and institutional voids in developing countries: The case of ride-hailing markets. World Development.

Osborne, C., Graham, M., & Dittus, M. 2021. Edit Wars in a Contested Digital City: Mapping Wikipedia’s Uneven Augmentations of Berlin. The Professional Geographer. 73(1). 85-95, DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2020.1800493

Graham, M. 2020. Regulate, replicate, and resist – The conjunctural geographies of platform urbanism. Urban Geography. 41:3, 453-457. DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2020.1717028

Wahome, M., and Graham, M. 2020. Spatially shaped imaginaries of the digital economy. Information, Communication & Society. 23:8, 1123-1138, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2019.1701696

Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Graham, M., Howson, K., Heeks, R., van Belle, J-P., Mungai, P., & Osiki, A. 2020 Thinking Out of the Box: Fair Work for Platform Workers, King's Law Journal, DOI: 10.1080/09615768.2020.1794196

Graham, M., and De Sabbata, S. 2020. The Geographic Contours of Openness. In Smith, M. and Seward, R. K. (eds) 2020 Making Open Development Inclusive: Lessons from IDRC Research. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. 119-142.

Anwar, M. Aand Graham, M. 2020. Digital Labour at Economic Margins: African Workers and the Global Information EconomyReview of African Political Economy. (pre-publication version here)

Katta, S., Badger, A., Graham, M., Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., & Bertolini, A. 2020. (Dis)embeddedness and (de)commodification: COVID-19, Uber, and the unravelling logics of the gig economy. Dialogues in Human Geography. DOI: 10.1177/2043820620934942

Graham, M., Woodcock, J., Heeks, R., Mungai, P., Van Belle, J-P., du Toit, D., Fredman, S., Osiki, A., van der Spuy, A., Silberman, S. 2020. The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for improving platform work in a global context. Geoforum. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.01.023 (also translated by into simplified Chinese by Jianhua Yao (2022), Labour Union Studies, vol. 188, no. 4, pp. 66-74.)

Anwar, M. Aand Graham, M. 2020. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Freedom, Flexibility, Precarity and Vulnerability in the Gig Economy in AfricaCompetition and Change. Special Issue on Digitalisation and Labour in the Global Economy.

Stephany, F., Braesemann, F. & Graham, M. 2020. Coding together – coding alone: the role of trust in collaborative programming, Information, Communication & Society, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1749699

Gong, Z., Cai, T., Thill, J-C., Hale, S., Graham, M. 2020. Measuring relative opinion from location-based social media: A case study of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233660. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233660

Anwar, M. A. and Graham, M. 2019. Hidden Transcripts of the Gig Economy: Labour Agency and the New Art of Resistance among African Gig Workers. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.

Dittus, M. and Graham, M. 2019. Mapping Wikipedia’s Geolinguistic Contours. Digital Culture & Society. 5(1). 147-164.

Braesemann, F., Stoehr, N., and Graham, M.. 2019. Global networks in collaborative programming Regional Studies, Regional Science. 6(1). 371-373 DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2019.1588155

Graham, M., and Anwar, M. A. 2019. The Global Gig Economy: Towards a Planetary Labour Market? First Monday. 24(4). (republished in In Larsson A and Teigland R (Eds) ‘The Digital Transformation of Labor: Automation, the Gig Economy and Welfare. London: Routledge).

Ojanperä, S., Graham, M., and Zook, M. 2019. The Digital Knowledge Economy Index: Mapping Content Production. The Journal of Development Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2018.1554208.

Anwar, M. A., and Graham, M. 2019. Does economic upgrading lead to social upgrading in contact centers? Evidence from South Africa. African Geographical Review. DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2019.1589730

Wood, A., Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, A., and Hjorth, I. 2019. Networked but Commodified: The (Dis)Embeddedness of Digital Labour in the Gig Economy. Sociology.

Wood A.J, Graham M and Anwar M. A. 2019. Minimum Wages for Online Labor Platforms? Regulating the Global Gig Economy. In Larsson A and Teigland R (Eds) ‘The Digital Transformation of Labor: Automation, the Gig Economy and Welfare. London: Routledge. 74-79.

Graham, M. 2019. Changing Connectivity and Digital Economies at Global Margins. In Graham, M. (ed) 2019 Digital Economies at Global Margins. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. 1-18.

Foster, C., Graham, M., and Waema, T. M. 2019. Making Sense of Digital Disintermediation and Development: The Case of the Mombasa Tea Auction. In Graham, M. (ed) 2019 Digital Economies at Global Margins. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. 55-78.

Graham, M., Hjorth, I., and Lehdonvirta, V. 2019. Digital Labor and Development: Impacts of Global Digital Labor Platforms and the Gig Economy on Worker Livelihoods. In Graham, M. (ed) 2019 Digital Economies at Global Margins. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. 269-294.

Graham, M. 2019. There are no rights ‘in’ cyberspace. In Wagner, B., Kettemann, M. C., and Vieth, K. (eds). Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 24-32.

Wood, A., Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, A., and Hjorth, I. 2019. Good Gig, Bad Big: Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy. Work, Employment and Society. 33(1). 56-75

Graham, M. and Anwar, M.A. 2018. Digital Labour In: Digital Geographies Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (eds.). Sage: London. 177-187. (translated into Portuguese in Antunes, R. 2020. Uberização, trabalho digital e Indústria 4.0 (Mundo do trabalho)).

Graham, M. and Anwar, M. A. 2018. Two Models for a Fairer Sharing Economy. In Davidson, N. M., Finck, M., Infranca, J. J. (eds). The Cambridge Handbook of The Law of the Sharing Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 316-327.

Wood, A., Lehdonvirta, V., and Graham, M. 2018. Workers of the Internet unite? Online freelancer organisation among remote gig economy workers in six Asian and African countries. New Technology, Work and Employment. 33(2). 95-112. 10.1111/ntwe.12112. (pre-publication version here)

Graham, M., De Sabbata, S., Straumann, R., and Ojanperä, S. 2018. Uneven Digital Geographies…and Why They Matter. In Kollektiv Orangotango+ (eds). This is Not an Atlas. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. 310-318.

Shaw, J., and Graham, M. 2018. Ein Informationelles Recht auf Stadt. In Bauriedl, S., and Strüver, A. (eds). Smart City – Kritische Perspektiven auf die Digitalisierung in Städten. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. 177-204.

Dittus, M., Wright, J., and Graham, M. 2018. Platform Criminalism: The 'Last-Mile' Geography of the Darknet Market Supply Chain. In Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference (WWW '18). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, 277-286. DOI: (pre-publication version here)

Lehdonvirta, V., Kässi, O., Hjorth, I., Barnard, H., and Graham, M. 2018. The Global Platform Economy: A New Offshoring Institution Enabling Emerging-Economy Microproviders. Journal of Management.

Graham, M. and Woodcock, J. 2018. Towards a Fairer Platform Economy: Introducing the Fairwork Foundation. Alternate Routes. 29. 242-253.

Zook, M. and Graham, M. 2018. Hacking Code/Space: Confounding the Code of Global CapitalismTransactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 43 (3). 390-404. 10.1111/tran.12228. 

Graham, M. 2018. The Virtual Palimpsest of the Global City Network. In The Globalizing Cities Reader. eds. X. Ren and R. Keil. Abingdon:Routledge. 198-204.

Stephens, M., Tong, L., Hale, S., and Graham, M. 2018. Misogyny, Twitter, and the Rural Voter. In Watrel, R. H., Weichelt, R., Davidson, F. M., Heppen, J., Fouberg, E. H., Archer, J. C., Morrill, R. L., Shelley, F. M., Martis, K. C. (eds). Atlas of the 2016 Elections. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. 55-57.

Graham, M. 2018. Rethinking the Geoweb and Big Data: Future Research Directions. In Thinking Big Data in Geography: New Regimes, New Research. Thatcher, J., Eckert, J., and Shears, A. (eds). University of Nebraska Press. Lincoln. 231-236.

Graham, M., Ojanpera, S., Anwar, M. A., and Friederici, N. 2017. Digital Connectivity and African Knowledge Economies. Questions de Communication. 32. 345-360.

Foster, C., Graham, M., Mann, L., Waema, T., and Friederici, N. 2017. Digital Control in Value Chains: Challenges of Connectivity for East African FirmsEconomic Geography. 94(1) 68-86.   

Ballatore, A., Graham, M., and Sen, S. 2017. Digital Hegemonies: The Localness of Search Engine ResultsAnnals of the American Association of Geographers. 107(5) 1194-1215 DOI:10.1080/24694452.2017.1308240.

Graham, M., Hjorth, I., Lehdonvirta, V. 2017. Digital labour and development: impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoodsTransfer: European Review of Labour and Research. 23 (2) 135-162.

Ojanperrä, A., Graham, M., Straumann, R., De Sabbata, S., and Zook, M. 2017. Engagement in the Knowledge Economy: Regional Patterns of Content Creation with a Focus on Sub-Saharan AfricaInformation Technologies and International Development. 13. 33-51.

Blank, G., Graham, M., Calvino, C. 2017. Local Geographies of Digital InequalitySocial Science Computer Review.  DOI:

Shaw, J. and Graham, M. 2017. An Informational Right to the City? Code, Content, Control, and the Urbanization of InformationAntipode. 49(4) 907-927.  10.1111/anti.12312

Friederici, N. Ojanperä, S., and Graham, M. 2017. The Impact of Connectivity in Africa: Grand Visions and the Mirage of Inclusive Digital Development. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 79(2) 1-20. 

Graham, M. 2017. Digitally Augmented Geographies. In Understanding Spatial Media. eds. Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T. P., and Wilson, M. W. London: Sage. 44-55.

Foster, C. and Graham, M. 2017. Reconsidering the Role of the Digital in Global Production Networks. Global Networks. 17(1) 68-88 DOI: 10.1111/glob.12142.

Ford, H. and Graham, M. 2016. Provenance, Power, and Place: Linked Data and Opaque Digital geographies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. doi:10.1177/0263775816668857 34(6). 957-970. (pre-publication version here).

Smart, C., Donner, J., and Graham, M. 2016. Connecting the World from the Sky: Spatial Discourses Around Internet Access in the Developing World. Eighth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development.

Straumann, R. K., Graham, M. 2016. Who isn't online? Mapping the 'Archipelago of Disconnection.'Regional Studies, Regional Science. 3(1) 96-98.

Mann, L and Graham, M. 2016 The Domestic Turn: Business Process Outsourcing and the Growing Automation of Kenyan Organisations. Journal of Development Studies 52:4, 530-548, DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2015.1126251. (pre-publication version here)

Graham, M., and Foster, C. 2016. Geographies of Information Inequality in Sub-Saharan AfricaThe African Technopolitan. 5 78-85.

Graham, M., Mann, L., Friederici, N. and Waema, T. 2016. Growing the Kenyan Business Process Outsourcing SectorThe African Technopolitan. 5 93-95

Ford, H., and Graham, M. 2016. Semantic Cities: Coded Geopolitics and the Rise of the Semantic Web. In Code and the City. eds. Kitchin, R., and Perng, S-Y. London: Routledge. 200-214.

Poorthuis, A., Zook, M., Shelton, T., Graham, M, and Stephens, M. 2016. Using Geotagged Digital Social Data in Geographic Research. In Key Methods in Geography. eds. Clifford, N., French, S., Cope, M., and Gillespie, T. London: Sage. 248-269.

Graham, M., Straumann, R., Hogan, B. 2015. Digital Divisions of Labor and Informational Magnetism: Mapping Participation in Wikipedia. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 105(6) 1158-1178. doi:10.1080/00045608.2015.1072791.(pre-publication version here)

Graham, M. 2015. Information Geographies and Geographies of Information New Geographies 7 159-166.

Graham, M., De Sabbata, S., Zook, M. 2015. Towards a study of information geographies:(im)mutable augmentations and a mapping of the geographies of information Geo: Geography and Environment.2(1) 88-105. doi:10.1002/geo2.8

Graham, M. 2015. Contradictory Connectivity: Spatial Imaginaries and Techno-Mediated Positionalities in Kenya's Outsourcing Sector. Environment and Planning A 47 867-883 (pre-publication version here).

Graham, M., Andersen, C., and Mann, L. 2015 Geographical Imagination and Technological Connectivity in East Africa. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 40(3) 334-349. (pre-publication version here).

Graham, M and De Sabbata, S. 2015 Mapping Information Wealth and Poverty: The Geography of Gazetteers. Environment and Planning A 47(6). 1254-1264. (pre-publication version here).

Sen, S. W., Ford, H., Musicant, D. R., Graham, M., Keyes, O. S. B., Hecht, B. 2015 Barriers to the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information. CHI 2015 (pre-publication version here).

Allagui, I., Graham, M., and Hogan, B. 2015. Wikipedia Arabe et la Construction Collective du Savoir. In Wikipedia, objet scientifique non identifie. eds. Barbe, L., Merzeau, L., and Schafer, V. Paris: Presses Universitaries du Paris Ouest. 177-194.

Zook, M., Graham, M., and Boulton, A. 2015. Crowd-sourced Augmented Realities: Social Media and the Power of Digital Representation. In Mediated Geographies International Handbook. eds. Mains, S., Cupples, J.,and Lukinbeal, C. New York: Springer. 223-242.

Graham, M., Hogan, B., Straumann, R. K., and Medhat, A. 2014. Uneven Geographies of User-Generated Information: Patterns of Increasing Informational Poverty. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 104(4). 746-764. (pre-publication version here)

Graham, M. 2014 Inequitable Distributions in Internet Geographies: The Global South is Gaining Access But Lags in Local Content. innovations 9(3-4). 17-34.

Choi, J. H-j., and Graham, M. 2014 Urban Food Futures: ICTs and Opportunities. Futures 62(B; October). 151-154. (pre-publication version here)

Shelton, T., Poorthuis, A., Graham, M,. and Zook, M. 2014. Mapping the Data Shadows of Hurricane Sandy: Uncovering the Sociospatial Dimensions of 'Big Data'. Geoforum 52. 167-179. (open pre-publication version here).

Dutton, W. H., and Graham, M. 2014. Introduction. In Society and the Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing our Lives. eds. Graham, M., and Dutton, W. H. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-22.

Graham, M. 2014. Internet Geographies: Data Shadows and Digital Divisions of Labour. In Society and the Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing our Lives. eds. Graham, M., and Dutton, W. H. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 99-116.

Graham, M. 2014. A Critical Perspective on the Potential of the Internet at the Margins of the Global Economy. In Society and the Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing our Lives. eds. Graham, M., and Dutton, W. H. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 301-318.

Graham, M. 2014. The Knowledge Based Economy and Digital Divisions of Labour. In Companion to Development Studies, 3rd edition, eds V. Desai, and R. Potter. Hodder189-195.

Graham, M. and Zook, M. 2014. Augmentierte Geographien: Zur digitalen Erfahrung des städtischen Alltags. Geographische Rundschau65(6) 18-25.

Yasseri, T., Spoerri, A., Graham, M. and Kertesz, J. 2014. The Most Controversial Topics in Wikipedia: A Multilingual and Geographical Anlaysis. In Global Wikipedia: International and Cross-Cultural Issues in Online Collaboration. eds. Fichman, P., and Hara, N. Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield 25-48.

Graham, M, S. Hale, and D. Gaffney. 2014. Where in the World are You? Geolocation and Language Identification in Twitter. The Professional Geographer 66(4) 568-578. (pre-publication version here)

Graham, M. and Shelton, T. 2013. Geography and the Future of Big Data; Big Data and the Future of GeographyDialogues in Human Geography 3(3) 255-261. (pre-publication version here)

Graham, M. and H. Haarstad. 2013. Open Development through Open Consumption: The Internet of Things, User-Generated Content and Economic Transparency. In Open Development: Networked Innovations in International Development. eds. Smith, M. L., and Reilly, K. M. A., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 79-111.

Graham, M. 2013. The Virtual Dimension. In Global City Challenges: debating a concept, improving the practice. eds. M. Acuto and W. Steele. London: Palgrave. 117-139.

Graham, M, R. Schroeder, and G. Taylor. 2013. Re: Search New Media and Society. 15(8) 1366-1373 (pre-publication version here).

Graham, M. 2013. Social Media and the Academy: New Publics or Public Geographies? Dialogues in Human Geography 3(1) 77-80 (pre-publication version here).

Graham, M and M. Zook. 2013. Augmented Realities and Uneven Geographies: Exploring the Geo-linguistic Contours of the Web. Environment and Planning A 45(1) 77-99.

Wilson, M and M. Graham. 2013. Guest Editorial: Situating Neogeography. Environment and Planning A 45(1) 3-9.

Graham, M. 2013. Geography/Internet: Ethereal Alternate Dimensions of Cyberspace or Grounded Augmented Realities? The Geographical Journal 179(2) 177-182. (pre-publication version here).

Graham, M., Shelton, T., and M. Zook. 2013. Mapping Zombies: A Guide for Pre-Apocalptic Analysis and Post-Apocalytpic Survival. In Zombies in the Academy: Living Death in Higher Education. eds. A. Whelan, R. Walker and C. Moore. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 147-156.

Graham, M. and L. Mann. 2013. Imagining a Silicon Savannah? Technological and Conceptual Connectivity in Kenya's BPO and Software Development Sectors. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 56(2). 1-19.

Crampton, J. W., M. Graham, A. Poorthuis, T. Shelton, M. Stephens, M. W. Wilson, and M. Zook. 2013. Beyond the Geotag: Situating 'big data' and leveraging the potential of the geoweb. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 40(2): 130-139.

Graham, M. 2013. Thai Silk dot Com: Authenticity, Altruism, Modernity and Markets in the Thai Silk Industry. Globalisations 10(2) 211-230.

Graham, M., M. Zook., and A. Boulton. 2013. Augmented Reality in Urban Places: contested content and the duplicity of code. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 38(3), 464-479. (pre-publication version here)

Shelton, T., M. Zook and M.Graham. 2012. The Technology of Religion: Mapping Religious Cyberscapes. The Professional Geographer 64(4). 602-617.

Graham, M., S. Hale, and M. Stephens. 2012. Digital Divide: The Geography of Internet AccessEnvironment and Planning A, 44(5)1009-1010.

Brunn, S., R. Ghose and M. Graham. 2012. Cities of the Future and the Future of Cities. In Cities of the World, 5th edition, eds S. Brunn, M. Hays-Mitchell, and D. Ziegler. Rowman and Littlefield, 557-597.

Graham, M. and H. Haarstad. 2012. Global Production Patterns. In 21st Century Geography: A Reference Handbook. ed. Stoltman, J. London: Sage. 411-421.

Graham, M. 2012. Die Welt in Der Wikipedia Als Politik der Exklusion: Palimpseste des Ortes und selective Darstellung. In Wikipedia. eds. S. Lampe, and P. Bäumer. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb, Bonn.

Graham, M. 2011. “Perish or Globalize:” Network Integration and the Reproduction and Replacement of Weaving Traditions in the Thai Silk Industry ACME: Journal of Critical Geographies 10(3) 458-482.

Graham, M. and H. Haarstad. 2011. Transparency and Development: Ethical Consumption through Web 2.0 and the Internet of ThingsInformation Technologies and International Development. 7(1). 1-18.

Graham, M. 2011. Wiki Space: Palimpsests and the Politics of Exclusion. In Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader. Eds. Lovink, G. and Tkacz, N. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 269-282.

Graham, M. 2011. Time Machines and Virtual Portals: The Spatialities of the Digital DivideProgress in Development Studies. 11 (3). 211-227.

Graham, M. and M. Zook. 2011. Visualizing Global Cyberscapes: Mapping User Generated PlacemarksJournal of Urban Technology. 18(1), 115-132.

Graham, M. 2011. Cultural Brokers, the Internet, and Value Chains. In The Cultural Wealth of Nations. eds. Wherry, F. and N. Bandelj. Standford: Stanford University Press. 222-239 (email for a copy).

Graham, M. 2011. Disintermediation, Altered Chains and Altered Geographies: The Internet in the Thai Silk IndustryElectronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 45(5), 1-25

Graham, M. 2011. Cloud Collaboration: Peer-Production and the Engineering of the Internet. In Engineering Earth. ed. Brunn, S. New York: Springer, 67-83.

Graham, M. 2010. Justifying Virtual Presence in the Thai Silk Industry: Links Between Data and DiscourseInformation Technologies and International Development. 6(4), 57-70.

Zook, M., M. Graham, T. Shelton, & S. Gorman. 2010. Volunteered Geographic Information and Crowdsourcing Disaster Relief: A Case Study of the Haitian Earthquake.World Medical and Health Policy. 2(2), 7-33.

Graham, M. 2010. Neogeography and the Palimpsests of PlaceTijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 101(4), 422-436. (pre-publication version here)

Zook, M. and M. Graham. 2010. The Virtual 'Bible Belt.' Environment and Planning A. 42(4), 763-764.

Graham, M. 2010. Web 2.0 and Critical Globalization StudiesRadical Teacher. 87, 70-71.

Graham, M. 2009. Different Models in Different Spaces or Liberalized Optimizations? Competitive Strategies among Budget Air CarriersJournal of Transport Geography. 17(4), 306-316.

Graham, M. 2008. Warped Geographies of Development: The Internet and Theories of Economic DevelopmentGeography Compass, 2(3), 771-789. (pre-publication version here)

Brunn, S., R. Ghose, & M. Graham. 2008. Cities of the Future and the Future of Cities. In Cities of the World, 4th edition, eds S. Brunn, M. Hays-Mitchell, and D. Ziegler. Rowman and Littlefield, 565-613.

Zook, M. & M. Graham. 2007. The Creative Reconstruction of the Internet: Google and the Privatization of Cyberspace and DigiPlaceGeoforum, 38, 1322-1343.

Zook, M. & M. Graham. 2007. From Cyberspace to DigiPlace: Visibility in an Age of Information and Mobility. In Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access. Ed. H. J. Miller. Springer, 231-244. (request copy by email).

Zook, M. & M. Graham. 2007. Mapping DigiPlace: Geocoded Internet Data and the Representation of PlaceEnvironment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 34(3) 466 – 482.

Zook, M. & M. Graham. 2006. Wal-Mart Nation: Mapping the Reach of a Retail Colossus. In Wal-Mart World. Ed. S. Brunn. Routledge, 15-25.


Graham, M. 2020. Platform Socialism. In Fecher, B. (ed). twentyforty – Utopias for a Digital Society. Berlin: Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. 187-207.

Graham, M. 2019. City of Loops. Alphabet. In Graham, M, Kitchin, R., Mattern, S., and Shaw, J. (eds). How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables. London: Meatspace Press. 101-143.

Other publications

Muldoon, J., Graham, M., and Cant, A. 2024. Opinion: What’s behind the AI boom? Exploited humans. The LA Times. Jul 12, 2024.

Muldoon, J., Graham, M., and Cant, A. 2024. Meet Mercy and Anita – the African workers driving the AI revolution, for just over a dollar an hour. The Observer. Jul 6, 2024.

Krishan, A., and Graham, M. 2023. Does Digital Platform Work Empower Women and Gender Minorities? in Empowerment or Exploitation? Global Perspectives on Women’s Work in the Platform Economy. S. Dewan and K. Sanyal eds. JustJobs. 134-135.

Graham, M., Valente, J., and Cant, C. 2023. Die unsichtbare Arbeit hinter der KI. Tagesspiegel. Mar 16, 2023.

Ustek Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Howson, H., Alyanak, O. and Graham, M. 2022. Gender and Care Work Operational Models: Setting a Research Agenda in Global Perspectives on women, work and digital labour platforms: A collection of articles from around the world on women’s experiences of digital labour platforms. O. Blanchard and A. Hunt eds. Digital Future Society. 66-73. Also translated into Spanish (El género y los modelos operativos de las plataformas de trabajo de cuidados).

Ustek-Spilda, F., Ferrari, F., Cole, M., Reneses, P. A., and Graham, M. 2020. The infrastructural power of platform capitalism. Social Europe. Dec 16, 2020. Also translated into Portuguese: O poder infraestrutural do capitalismo de plataforma. Carta Maior. Dec 21, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Neerukonda, M., Taduri, P., Graham, M., Salem, M. 2020. COVID-19, the gig economy and the hunger for surveillance. Ada Lovelace Institute. Dec 8, 2020.

Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., Grohmann, R., Salem, N., Carelli, R., Abs, D., Salvagni, J., Graham, M., Balbornoz, M. B., Chavez, H., Arriagada, A., and Bonhomme, M. 2020. ‘Just because you don’t see your boss, doesn’t mean you don’t have a boss’: Covid19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America. International Union Rights. 27(3), 20-28.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Heeks, R., and Graham, M. 2020. Covid-19: Who will protect gig workers if not platforms? Social Europe. May 28, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Heeks, R., Graham, M., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Fredman, S., Howson, K., Ferrari, F., Neerukonda, M., Taduri, P., Badger, A., and Salem, N. 2020. How is the platform economy responding to Covid-19?. openDemocracy. May 14, 2020.

Graham, M., Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Bertolini, A., Badger, A., and Ferrari, F. 2020. If platforms do not protect gig workers, who will? New Internationalist. April 23, 2020. (updated version re-published in Geography Directions)

Graham, M. and Anwar, M. A. 2020. Made in Africa: African digital labour in the value chains of AI. Social Europe. April 16, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Ferrari, F., and Howson, K. 2020. From Social Distancing to Social Solidarity: Gig economy and the Covid-19. OECD Development Matters. March 27, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Katta, S., Ferrari, F., Badger, A., Howson, K., and Neerukonda, M. 2020. The politics of Covid-19: Gig work in the coronavirus crisis. Red Pepper. March 26, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M., Katta, S., Howson, K., Ferrari, F., and Bertolini, A. 2020. The Untenable Luxury of Self-Isolation. New Internationalist. March 18, 2020.

Katta, S., Howson, K., and Graham, M. 2020. The Fairwork Foundation: Action Research on the Gig Economy. Global Dialogue. 10(1). 44-46.

Miller, S., El-Bahrawy, A., Dittus, M., Graham, M., and Wright, J. 2020. Predicting Drug Demand with Wikipedia Views: Evidence from Darknet Markets. In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW '20), April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan. ACM, New York, NY, USA 7 Pages.

Katta, S., Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., and Graham, M. 2020. Uber and Deliveroo’s ‘charter of good work’ is nothing but fairwashing. openDemocracy. Feb 3, 2020. Also translated into Portuguese: O lobo cuida do galinheiro. CartaCapital. Feb 17, 2020.

Ferrari, F., and Graham, M. 2019. Myth: Digital Work is Immaterial. In Bust-ed! The Truth About the 50 Most Common Internet Myths. In Kettemann, M. C., and Dreyer, S. (eds). Berlin: Internet Governance Forum. 146-149.

Dittus, M., Ojanperä, S. and Graham, M. 2019. Myth: There is no “there” on the Internet. In Busted! The Truth About the 50 Most Common Internet Myths. In Kettemann, M. C., and Dreyer, S. (eds). Berlin: Internet Governance Forum. 156-159.

Graham, M, Woodcock, J., Heeks, R., Fredman, S., du Toit, D., van Belle, J-P., Mungai, P., Osiki, A. 2019. The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for Improving Platform Work. In Proceedings of the Weizenbaum Conference 2019 "Challenges of Digital Inequality - Digital Education, Digital Work, Digital Life" (pp. 1-8). Berlin

Graham, M. 2019. How to build a fairer gig economy in 4 steps. World Economic Forum. Nov 1. (also translated into Portuguese in Carta Capital)

Graham, M., Englert, S., and Woodcock, J. 2019. Holding platforms accountable to digital workers’ rightsNew Internationalist. May 01, 2019.

Graham, M., Ferrari, F., and Woodcock, J. 2019. Plattformökonomie braucht Mindeststandards. Der Tagesspiegel. Apr 15, 2019.

Gillwald, A., Graham, M., Englert, S., van der Spuy, A., and Woodcock, J. 2019. Fairwork exposes exploitation in gig economy amid regulatory vacuum. Business Day (South Africa). Apr 11, 2019.

Wood, A. J. and Graham, M. 2019. Networked but commodified: digital labour in the remote gig economyNew Internationalist. Feb 28, 2019.

Woodcock, J., and Graham, M. 2019. How can we better regulate digital platform capitalism to protect workers? LabourList. Feb 22, 2019.

Ojanperä, S, O'Clery, N, and Graham, M. 2018. Data science, artificial intelligence and the futures of work. Alan Turing Institute Report. October 24.

Dittus, M., and Graham, M. 2018. To reduce inequality, Wikipedia needs to start paying editors. Wired. Sept 11, 2018.

Graham, M. 2018. Communications. In The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World. London: Times Books. 28-29.

Wood, A. J. and Graham, M. 2018. Can African and Asian workers challenge exploitation in the gig economy? New Internationalist. Aug 8, 2018.

Wood, A.J. and Graham, M. 2018. The government consultation on employment classification and control: a response. Response to the UK Government open consultation on employment status. Feb 7, 2018.

Graham, M. 2018. The UK universities strike is the frontline of the gig economy fight. Wired. Mar 12, 2018.

Graham, M. 2018. The Rise of the Planetary Labour Market. New Statesman. Jan 29, 2018. (republished in Technosphere, The Invisible Worker, and the RSA’s Field Guide to the Future of Work)

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, L., Wood., A., Barnard, H., and Hjorth, I. 2018. Could Online Gig Work Drive Development in Lower-income Countries? In Galperin, H., and Alarcon, A. The Future of Work in the Global South. Ottawa: IDRC. 8-11.

Graham, M., and Sengupta, A. 2017. We’re all connected now, so why is the internet so white and western? The Guardian. Oct 5, 2017.

Wood, A., and Graham, M. 2017. Virtual Monopolies and The Workers' Voice. iai News. Sept 4, 2017.

Ojanperä, S., and Graham, M. 2017. Africa risks fading from digital knowledge economy. SciDevNet, June 6, 2017.

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, V., Wood, A., Barnard, H., Hjorth, I., and Simon, D. P. 2017. The Risks and Rewards of Online Gig Work At the Global Margins. Oxford: Oxford Internet Institute. 

Graham, M. and Wood, A. 2017. How to resist the exploitation of digital gig workersRed Pepper. Apr 14, 2017

Graham, M. and Shaw, J. 2017. An 'Informational Right to the City'?New Internationalist. Feb 8, 2017

Graham, M. Friederici, N. Ojanperä, S. 2017. The Link Between Internet Access and Economic Growth Is Not as Strong as You ThinkCouncil on Foreign Relations: Net Politics

Wood, A., Graham, M., Anwar, M. A., Ramizo, G. 2017. Minimum wages on online labour platforms. Oxford Internet Institute.

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, V., Barnard, H., Wood, A., Hjorth, I., Azarhoosh, K., and Simon, D. 2017. Written evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into self-employment and the gig economy.

Graham, M. 2016. Let’s make platform capitalism more accountableNew Internationalist. Dec 13, 2016

Graham, M. and Wood, A. 2016. Why the digital gig economy needs co-ops and unionsopenDemocracy. Sept 15, 2016

Graham, M. 2016. Digital work marketplaces impose a new balance of powerNew Internationalist. May 25, 2016

Graham, M. 2016. Organising the Digital "Wild West": Can Strategic Bottlenecks Help Prevent a Race to the Bottom for Online Workers? Union Solidarity International. May 11, 2016 (also translated into Turkish)

Graham, M. 2016. Digital Work and the Global Precariat. Union Solidarity International. Mar 30, 2016

Graham, M. 2016. Facebook is no Charity, and the 'Free' in Free Basics Comes at a Price. The Conversation Jan 11, 2016

Graham, M. 2015. Why Does Google Say Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel? Nov 30, 2015

Zook M, T Shelton, A Poorthuis, R Donohue, M Wilson, M Graham, M Stephens. 2015. What would a floating sheep map? Lexington, KY: Oves Natantes Press.

Graham, M. 2015. Internet For All Is An Impossible Dream Right NowGizmodo Oct 11, 2015 /Internet for all Remains an Impossible Dream, No Matter What Jimmy Wales Says. The Conversation Oct 8, 2015.

Graham, M. 2015. Digital Work Signals a Global Race to the BottomSciDevNet Sept 15, 2015

Graham, M. 2015. The Hidden Biases of Geodata. The Guardian Apr 28, 2015.

Foster, C. G., and Graham, M. 2015. Connectivity and the Tea Sector in Rwanda.Oxford Internet Institute Report, Oxford, UK.

Foster, C. G., and Graham, M. 2015. The Internet and Tourism in Rwanda. Oxford Internet Institute Report, Oxford, UK.

Mann, L., Graham, M., and Friederici, N. 2015. The Internet and Business Process Outsourcing in East Africa. Oxford Internet Institute Report, Oxford, UK.

Graham, M. 2014. Why global contributions to Wikipedia are so unequal. The Conversation September 8, 2014

Graham, M. 2014. Geotagging reveals Wikipedia is not quite so equal after all. New StatesmanAugust 18, 2014.

Graham, M. and B. Hogan. 2014. Uneven Openness: Barriers to MENA Representation on Wikipedia. Oxford Internet Institute Report, Oxford, UK.

Graham, M. 2014. Kenya BPO and ITES Policy Brief. OII White Paper March 2014

Graham, M. 2013. Kenya's Laptop's For Schools Dream Fails to Address Reality. The Guardian June 27, 2013.

Graham, M. 2013. Geographies of Information in Africa: Wikipedia and User-Generated Content. In R-Link: Rwanda's Official ICT Magazine. Kigali: Rwanda ICT Chamber. 40-41.

Graham, M, M. Stephens, and S. Hale. 2013. Mapping the Geoweb: A Geography of Twitter. Environment and Planning A 45(1) 100-102.

Wilson, M and M. Graham. 2013. Neogeography and Volunteered Geographic Information: A Conversation with Michael Goodchild and Andrew Turner. Environment and Planning A 45(1) 10-18.

Graham, M. 2013. Reaching Audiences Through Blogs and Social Media. In Publishing and Getting Read: A Guide for Researchers in GeographyEds. A. Blunt, and C. Souch. London: Royal Geographical Society. 34.

Graham, M. 2012. The Problem with WikidataThe Atlantic Apr 6, 2012.

Graham, M. 2012. Big data and the end of theory? The Guardian Mar 9, 2012.

Graham, M. 2012. In a Networked World, Why is the Geography of Knowledge Still Uneven?The Guardian Jan 9, 2012.

Zook, M., M. Graham, & T. Shelton. 2011. Analyzing Global Cyberscapes: Mapping Geocoded Internet InformationProceedings of the 2011 iConference.

Graham, M. 2010. A New Kind of Globalisation? User-Generated Content and Transparent Production ChainsThe Guardian. Dec 9, 2010.

Graham, M. 2010. Will Broadband Internet Establish a New Development Trajectory for East Africa?The Guardian Oct 7, 2010.

Graham, M. 2010. The Digital Economy. Book review essay in Regional Studies. 44:3, 385-386.

Zook, M., M. Graham & T. Shelton 2010. The Presidential Placemark Poll. Atlas of the 2008 Election. Ed. S. Brunn. In Press.

Graham, M., T. Shelton and M. Zook. 2010. Map of U.S. Abortion Providers and Alternatives. In Mapping America: Exploring the Continent. Eds. F. C. Kessler and F. Jacobs. Black Dog Publishing. 140-141.

Graham, M. 2009. Wikipedia's Known UnknownsThe Guardian Dec 2, 2009.

Graham, M. 2009. Ethical Consumption and Production through Web 2.0: A Call for Participation. Development Geography Specialty Newsletter of the American Association of Geographers. Autumn 2009: 4.

Graham, M. 2009. Fluid Knowledge and Transparency: Using Web 2.0 to Promote Compassionate Consumption. Qualitative Geography Specialty Group NewsletterMarch 2009: 3.

Graham, M. 2008. Globalization, Culture, and Inequality. Book review essay in Progress in Development Studies, Vol 8(3), 296-298.

Graham, M. 2006 For Space. Book review essay in Growth and Change, Vol 37:4, 643-645.

Graham, M. 2005. Working in Silicon Valley. Book review essay in Urban Studies Vol. 42:13, 2535-2537.

Graham, M. 2005. Music and the Middle. RIFLe. Fall.